The Internet - P5.JS
‘The Internet’ is the band I’ve been listening to (rather obsessively)
lately. Look them up. The internet is the place where I spend most of
my waking time. The other day, my mate told me “I work on the
internet”. #LOLZ
'The Internet’ is about clicking, about infinite scrolling, about
bleeding eyes, about always wanting more. When are you going to stop?
What is this project about?
Game developed using P5js - an open source Javascript library
developed by the Processing Foundation to make coding more accessible
to artists, designers and educators. This game was part of an
exhibition at Victoria&Albert's Digital Design Weekend. It was
developed at CodeLiberation's workshop series designed to inspire and
empower people who want to use programming to make creative work.
Emma Ray Norton
Annotated desktop-performance-lecture + alt-text
Img src
Mindy Seu
I love Mindy Seu's work. It's tight. It's deep. Prolific. Interwoven.
It's lit. I often get lost in their work, specially on There's
SO MUCH stuff going on. But everything is distinctively Mindy Seu. I
am fascinated by this.
Laurel Schwulst
Link to essay on The Creative Independent
Aina Pomar
On Becoming Island
Willa Köerner
Strategic digital garden
Technology as cake 🍰
Technical approaches, social practices and
industrial infrastructures.
‘Those sorts of questions were my sort of questions’
Who you read as your chosen family
A space where all our needs are being met.
Hand holding.
And again.
And again.
* references coming